Thursday, November 13, 2008

This morning I am taking it slow. Dealing with muscle ache's but am glad to be alive. :)

I'm thinking of getting a lap dog to keep me company while I spend all these hours alone, but am still playing with the idea. I'm not real big on indoor pets, so it would be a huge jump for me.

My car has been in the shop for repairs from when someone hit me in early October. They have had it two weeks and I was looking forward to getting it back. But when I picked it up, they didn't repair the bumper, the battery is almost dead and the inside is full of dust and resuial from the shop. the repairs they did do look great, but I am disappointed about the other things. I'm already having the bumper repairs looked into.

I'm planning to spend the rest of the day taking it easy. lol -Sheryl


Unknown said...

I love you Sher! Hope all is well!

G-ma K said...

A lap dog? That's an interesting idea. Can you get on already house trained? Ha! Of course you don't want to take 'dog' advise from me!
I've been thinking of you. Sorry your treatment didn't go better.
I'm busy planning things: Thanksgiving, Christmas gifts, the truck camper Dad bought for his new truck. How to survive when the moneys gone. Just planning!

G-ma K said...

I'm impressed with how often you're posting to your blog. Good job!