Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy December

YEAH! It's December. My Christmas decorations are up and I'm loving the feel of Christmas already. I spent the day working on homemade Christmas Gifts and a few household chores. I love the spirit of Christmas and how it brings out the good in so many people.

Thursday I have a Scentsy Party at my home at 7:00. You're welcome to come if you live close enough. ;)

I am meeting with my Oncologist on Dec. 10th to discuss medications and reconstructive surgery. It is looking like I won't be able to have the reconstructive surgery at this time, because the plastic surgeon requires me to go off my tamoxifin and my oncologist says that's not a good idea. So, we are meeting to discuss the specifics. I will keep you posted.

Love, Sheryl

1 comment:

Julie Ann said...

Keep me posted on what the doctor says. Hang in there. You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Love you, Julie